DNS Speed Comparision DNS Made Easy Ranks #1
When it comes to the internet, Batman is no longer enough. The world needs The Flash. And you have that, with DNS Made Easy!
It’s no secret that the internet plays an integral role in our daily lives and even more so due to the pandemic. The shift in how we work, shop, play, and even seek medical care has likely changed for good.
In our “new world,” internet reliability and speed are critical. Business demand for online services is higher than ever, and end-user expectations continue to grow exponentially. And both have the need for speed.
While a Batman type of DNS provider may offer good service and has lots of gadgets, its lack of superpowers, at least in this instance, is a huge disadvantage and can’t compete with a service that’s more like The Flash. Besides, what good is having all of Batman’s gadgets, if you don’t know how to use them or even have a need for them?
You Don’t Have to Accept Subpar DNS Speeds and Service
Until you’ve experienced a faster, more reliable DNS provider you may think intermittent connections and slow speeds are just how things are. But when you do discover The Flash of the internet, it’s easy to say goodbye to Batman.
Don’t take our word for it, you can check our speeds according to Solve DNS for yourself!
“Not every hero wears a mask. Some heroes save the day in the simplest of ways…” — Barry Allen, The Flash (TV series 2014–2021)
Originally published at https://social.dnsmadeeasy.com on December 8, 2020.